2 Month Checkup: 12 lb 6 oz 24 in First two pictures were taken on the 21st - his official 2 month birthday. Feeling good and happy after coming home from the doctors office. Eli had two vaccine shots and one oral vaccine.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
On the 13th, Eli took his first trip to church. Doesn't he seem thrilled to be wearing his fancy outfit :)
My sister Katie and her family arrived in Blacksburg to visit on the 15th. We were all excited to meet baby Nathan. Eli loved playing with his cousin that is only five days younger than him. Eli takes a hit from cousin Nathan.
Thinking about an arm wrestling match. The Warrior pose. Big cousin Daniel with baby Nathan. Grandma and MaryKay come to visit the new little ones. More play time with the cousins small and big!
Eli's favorite rattle, made by an old co-worker at GVES. Eli swinging over to play with Ryder and Harrison.
Ryder and Harrison say, "Wake up Eli." Eli is really just practicing his Walk Like an Egyptian dance.
Worn out from so much play time.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
His face suits the message on his shirt, "Going Bye Bye." One of my students gave Eli these foot rattles and the little singing frog toy. I discovered one more decorative onesie that I hadn't snapped a picture of yet. The giraffe with the long neck is perfect for Eli, he is around 75% on his height for age percentile chart. Eli's room is up and running, although he won't be sleeping up there any time soon. I'm posting a before picture, to show the space when it was first gutted.
The two door closet. We still need to rehang the big door.