Monday, June 30, 2008

My First Post with Pictures

This is year number one for our asparagus, so we have two more years to wait before we harvest. There is one tomato plant in the middle!

Cucumber blossoms.

A little color for the garden. These are sprinkled throughout the main garden.

Swiss Chard, which also adds some nice color.

This picture was actually taken about two weeks ago so most of our poppy petals have blown off and the seed pods are drying.

When I picked this duo I was wishing it was time for the Price's Fork Fair, so I could enter it in the most unusual contest!

Cilantro that we started from seed and we're hoping that it doesn't bolt right away.
Overall image of the main garden, mostly showing tomatoes, peppers, and squash.
Another angle of the main garden showing beans and corn.
This is our strawberry garden with a volunteer tomato.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Getting Started

I finally decided to give in and start a blog. I'm always aggravated with myself for not keeping a journal especially for gardening. So why not give an electronic journal a try. Here is a list of some things I look forward to with using a blog:
*Showing pictures (If I have a question about a garden pest or plant I may get advice from other readers!)
*Having easy access to a list of other gardening blogs that I like.
*Posting recipes and other fun stuff that comes from gardening.
*Having an easy way to keep track of progress or problems in the garden.
*Listing what varieties of plants I have so I have an answer when some one asks!
*Having one more reason to fight my husband for computer use time!
So now if I can just figure out how to use this thing.