Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cedar Run

Today I had a chance to explore a little nature trail with a couple of my co-workers. We were trying to scout out the area to see if it would be a good hike for our Wildlife Club kids. It most likely would not be a great area to take the kids. There is a ton to see, but it is not really a long enough hike to allow them to use up a lot of energy. Plus there was very limited parking and several areas where monitoring even a small group of kids would be challenging. It is difficult to find a good spot to take 15-20 kids (with parents) on a hike where you do not risk having a negative impact on the surrounding area. The hike is just off of Ellett Road across from Buckskin Road. There are a couple stoned in areas where people collected water from springs and then several buildings that were used for storing the water for the people that settled in the valley. The trail runs right along Cedar Creek, which is surrounded by Northern White Cedar trees. Here are a couple of shots from our walk.

This was taken through a small hole in a huge water tank. A few musicians decided to put some stools down there and take advantage of the acoustics.

The roof of this old building collapsed, making a nice reflecting pool, with some cool colors.

1 comment:

Rach said...

I've never been on this trail. Thanks for the photos! :o)