The next move in the kitchen is to get the dishwasher put in. Clay successfully cut out a space for it and will need to do some wiring before it can be hooked up. The crazy part is trying to maintain regular kitchen function. You can see that we did some cooking tonight, but it's a little scary when you reach for a spoon to stir with, but grab screwdriver. If I wasn't determined to use some of the veggies coming in from the garden I would probably insist that we just eat sandwiches or eat out until the kitchen is done.

The blackberry jam was made at Grandma's house in a very well organized and fantastically clean kitchen. We started picking berries at 8:00 and had two gallons by 9:00. I'm not sure if either grandma or I could have picked much longer with the temp. going up into the 90's. Grandma helped me finish two batches of jam, making 16 jars. There is usually a little leftover that can go straight on what ever yummy bread you have around, at grandma's this was cornbread. The beautiful red tinted jar near the right is strawberry jam, which she traded me for rest of the leftover blackberry jam. I also placed the straw hat in the photo in memory of Papaw Bernard. I was very thankful to have it to wear today, and I was told to hang onto it since I may go seeking any last of the season blueberries this Thursday.

I'm not sure if I have the energy to organize help or enough good tomatoes to do any canning this year, but we have been using the dehydrator for the Roma and cherry tomatoes.

Our little August harvest. It looks like we'll get to eat fresh corn for about two weeks. We will not have enough to freeze this year, unless I go out and buy some. As for the all the tomatoes, since I'm not planning to attempt canning I've been taking extras to church and I found a few takers at PFES. Plus we've been enjoying fresh slices for sandwiches and salads daily! Sadly, the compost pile has probably seen the most.