Thursday, August 2, 2012

July Happenings

 My wonderful friend Eddie Mullins, with the support of his wife Claudia, helped me put up a gourd structure at PFES.  Ed and Claudia had just purchased the old fence posts and rails from the old school and used some of the rails for the teepee.
 Eli enjoyed helping out.  He spent most of the time playing with the little Marigolds that Eddie had thrown into the back of his pick-up.

 Starting to be a ham for the camera:)
 My original plan for this blog was for gardening, but it took a back seat when Eli was born.  I'm posting a few garden pics.  These come in handy when looking back at where we put things year to year.

 Trying a gourd plant of our own this year.
 Right side of the garden.
 Left side.
 We may get a melon before summer is over.
 This is the old barn that we will be replacing this Fall with a garage style storage building.
 Clay is not a big fan of this project.  We're trying to plant "Walkables" in between the stones, but not having a lot of luck so far, which means the stones are not settling well.  I'm happy with it.  I can get to my car in the am before school when the grass is heavy with dew and not get my feet wet.  Plus Eli LOVES it and he walks back and forth, back and forth, Rock Hopping already!
 Back to PFES.  Eli is playing on the raised bed with pumpkins.

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