Since I can remember my family has participated and helped out at the Price's Fork Fair. I like to carry on the tradition except instead of entering my dressed up doll and 4-H crafts I mainly have veggies and flowers. Thursday after work, going on a short run, and looking at floor tile with Clay I went to the garden to harvest as many goodies as I could find. I collected red and yellow tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green bell peppers, one yellow bell pepper, anaheim, serrano, and jalapeno peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, corn, a few beans, purple peppers, and butternut squash. I also had one volunteer pumpkin and a volunteer melon of some sort.

A close up of the arrangement and one of the individual sunflowers we entered. When I drove the flowers up to mom's house she commented, "Do I take the bees with the sunflower?" (Zoom in to see them) I didn't think the bees would hang on. I'm not sure if they were dying or just in a drowsy state from it being early in the morning. I noticed they seemed frozen to several of the flowers and you could just knock them off like they were in a coma??
I did visit the fair after work. Clay and I did get serveral ribbons which is always fun. (Actually Clay really doesn't get into taking exhibits, but I put a few things in his name since he contriubtes a lot to the work). I may take some pictures at the fair tomorrow for a follow up post.
Your entries are gorgeous! Look at that basket of veggies, too bad I'm not there to help you eat any more of your garden produce.
My bean vines are huge, but eaten up by some kind of bug pest and I haven't gotten one darn bean off of them. Same with the two green pepper plants. They keep flowering and looking like they are going to produce and then they just don't. Ideas?
I love your entries! They are so beautiful! I am glad you won some ribbons.
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