Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brinner for Dinner

I have become a big fan of Brinner for dinner, which is just a fun way of saying breakfast for dinner.

More importantly I just had to write a quick post that I finally prepared kale for dinner that I truly enjoyed. I didn't mind it in the past, but it was more of, I better eat this stuff because it is packed with nutrients and is good for me. Tonight I just simply heated some oil in a skillet and added some garlic. Once the garlic turned a little darker and smelled good and ready I added the kale (this time I chopped it up smaller), a little bit of water, pepper, a little salt, red pepper flakes, and even a little bacon (because we were already fixing it for the other part of our dinner). I let it simmer for at least five minutes until the kale was wilted but still a bright green.

I think part of the reason I liked it so much was because it went so well with the eggs, bacon, and black beans and rice that we fixed for Brinner!


Rach said...

Now *that* does sound like a good way to eat kale. I've never been a fan since the flavor is just so strong. I remember when Granny Mae would fix it. Ick!

I too enjoy brinner, though. :o)

Jess said...

Sounds delicious!