Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chocolate Eclair Cake

I can remember my mom asking me what type of Birthday cake I would like and my answer being chocolate eclair. It has now become my staple go to recipe for special events. The fifth grade teachers are hosting a Goody Day for the staff at CES tomorrow, so I prepared old faithful. As I stood stirring the homemade icing I thought about how many times my mom has stood over the stove waiting for the chocolate mix to boil. I also wondered how many people besides my mom and I actually cut the graham crackers to make them fit just right in the casserole dish. Then after all is done and the cake is chilling in the fridge using the broken pieces of graham crackers to clean the pudding, cool whip, and icing bowls, yum, yum! I can remember my first attempts at the dessert didn't go so well. I tried putting the icing on too soon and didn't have the cake layered evenly so it all just rolled off to the side, looking like a soupy mess. So I hope my attempt tonight still looks pretty by the time I get to work tomorrow.

Besides chocolate eclair I have also made mom's stuffed peppers a staple recipe at home, as well as her spaghetti sauce. Nothing beats the taste of home sweet home. Although I know Clay is waiting for me to master a few recipes that remind him of home, potato soup keeps coming up as a suggestion!

For any of those that read, what are your favorite recipes that remind you of your childhood home?

I'm off to hope the Hokies pull off a win!


Karey said...

Well - so much for the win for the HOkies... but - oh well - life goes on. It still stinks though... especially because it puts my husband in such a crappy mood :)

My recipes that remind me of home are chicken casserole and dumplings :)

And BTW... Dean LOVES your Mom's chocolate eclair :)

Barnetts said...

I love your Mom's chocolate eclair too!

There are so many recipes that I like that feel like home and can't think right now.

Jess said...

Believe it or not, my mom's potato soup reminds me of home. I have never made it and when she visits me in the cooler months I have her make a big pot - YUM! I also associate my mom's tuna casserole and lima bean casserole as comfort foods. Both are delicious though they sound like they would be awful! In fact, when Mom, Rach and I are together we beg Mom to make her tuna casserole and she always laughs and thinks we are silly since it was a recipe she created one night on the fly out of what she had on hand with no real thought put into it.

I loved Papa's scalded lettuce but I have never made it either. It was the perfect blend of tangy and sweet. He also made really great spaghetti sauce and I use his recipe now exclusively.

What it the chocolate eclair cake recipe? You can't post about making it and not post the recipe! Inquiring minds want to know...

Rach said...

Ha ha, Jess, I HAVE the chocolate eclair recipe, and boy is it AWESOME! Those were some lucky teachers, Liz. :o)

Recipes reminding me of home? Tuna casserole, Granny's chicken and dumplings (can't make them, though), and mom's chicken and gravy over homemade biscuits. MMmmmm. :o)