Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flurries and Brussel Sprouts

We had a dusting of snow on the ground today. All the surrounding counties were either delayed or closed, but Montgomery County schools were on time. All the teachers were a little pouty for the first couple of hours to say the least. I was just happy to be able to stand up straight after spending two days in bed, feeling very SICK.

We fixed a yummy pizza for dinner, and my appetite is almost back to normal. We actually have leftovers, which doesn't always happen. Clay also had his first taste of Brussel Sprouts, and said he would try them again, just not in large amounts! I use to turn up my nose to these little mini cabbages when my mom fixed them, but have grown to like them. Plus I'm willing to eat almost anything that I take time to plant in the garden. They were attacked by pests pretty bad when still young. I did end up spraying them with an insecticidal soap, but tried my best just to hand pick any little green worms off. Clay kept teasing me about the plants because the edible parts were no bigger than peas for the longest time. Then after it stayed consistently cooler they really took off. So they ended up being a fun plant that I will try again next year I hope.

These pictures are not the prettiest, but it is rare to have anything green left in the garden at this point!


Karey said...

Glad you are feeling better! And... I'm with Clay on the Brussell Sprouts... ick. :)

Jess said...

Rachael has the best recipe for brussel sprouts with bacon, onions and dried cranberries - YUM!